Contoh Motivation Letter Beasiswa Luar Negeri, Cek Di Sini!

Hai, Hunters! Apakah kamu sedang mempersiapkan beasiswa luar negeri? Tentunya motivation letter merupakan salah satu persyaratan yang sering diminta oleh pemberi beasiswa luar negeri. Nah, untuk kamu yang sedang mencari referensi, mari simak contoh motivation letter pada ulasan berikut!
Contoh motivation letter beasiswa luar negeri
I want to study Computer Science because it has core importance in today’s most dynamic & emergent field of Information Technology. Computer Science is becoming a defining technology and provides a vast integration of various applications with tools, methods, economics, and organizational issues.
In addition to that, it plays a vital role in the advancement of today’s Research & Development sector by introducing the concepts of Quantum Computers, Parallel Computing, Grid Computing, Real-Time Systems, Bioinformatics, Neural Networks, etc.
Despite the blessings of Computer Science being ubiquitous, a lot of work has to be done and software development standards are in its immaturity. This fact also encourages people having IT awareness to turn their directions in this relatively new field.
My favorite areas of interest in CS are Computer Security and Human-Computer Interaction. In Computer Communication, Optical & Wireless Communication fields are quite attractive to me. I am looking for an environment where there exists a real balance between theory and practice and I hope, by joining your community I’ll have my desired environment.
I am highly motivated to play an active role in the advancement of the Computer Science field in our country and put my country into a new era equipped with the most modern Computer Science methods, tools, and techniques. In our country, numbers of IT companies are in their infancy and will be a very good source for the implementation of my knowledge & skills after the completion of my Master’s/Ph.D. degree.
Studying in Finland will also help to fulfill my personal career ambitions as I wish to work internationally to improve my language capabilities and my career prospects as the domestic market will continue to be strongly influenced by world markets.
I wish to study the course in Finland because Finnish educational degrees have a good reputation worldwide. In World Economic Forum 2004, the Network Readiness Index Rank (NRIR) of Finland in Global IT Competitiveness is 3 among 102 countries. This fact clearly states Finland is an IT nation and also acts as a strong argument for me to study there.
And finally, for me, it’s been a wonderful experience to meet new people and to know about their cultural diversity.
Baca Juga: Cara Membuat CV Beasiswa
With regard to my personal lifestyle and interests, I moved to the Capital from a provincial (rural) area to improve my work opportunities but now have also discovered that I enjoy the dynamics of city life. The city provides me with opportunities to pursue my interests in live music, games, and reading as there are so many bookshops and libraries.
I hope that you will give my application serious consideration and would be pleased to provide you with any further information about
Baca Juga: Cara Membuat Motivation Letter
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